Happy New Year- 2020 Synopsis
1/1/2021 A difficult year goes away, an even more challenging year begins. _________________ Last year we started our year sailing around...

Annesia + Marlon (Love during Covid-19)
"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." Mr. &...

It's about that time again ⛵
Time to dive into crystal clear waters. See you soon!!!

💥We got featured!!! Grab your copy of Maco People Trinidad! 💥
"So how did you guys meet?" We have lost count on how many times we've been asked this question. Everyone always so curious about "our...

Let the sea set you free 💦
What's better than sailing down the islands? Having a photographer on board capturing every moment of it! Make your friends jealous 😉...